
Soul Dragon Knight is a 2D side-scrolling perspective, two-player co-op game for Windows and MacOS

Project maintained by Soulcialize Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Soul Dragon Knight

Developed by Team Socialize for NUS CS3247: Game Development using Unity 2020.3.26f1

When a benevolent King’s rule is overthrown by his scheming brother in a coup, the young Prince and his Soul Dragon companion must embark on an epic quest to defeat the tyrant and save his parents.

You and your friend will play as the young Prince and the Soul Dragon. Your job is to defeat all enemies and solve puzzles to save your parents. However, the interesting thing is the Prince has soul eyes while his Soul Dragon has normal eyes. Hence, each player will only be able to see the enemies that are targeting their partner. You must work closely with your partner to help them defeat the enemies they cannot see - just as they will help you!




Different Worlds

Unique enemies


Download Instructions

Creating and Joining a Room

Control Instructions



About Us

Kenneth Fung Chen Yu

Low Kang Ngee

Ng Tze Wei Bruce Mitchell

Nguyen Duc Danh

Raja Dishafnya Achadi

Yurtoglu Ayda